Spartanburg, SC, April 10, 2016-E-Vision Project Development Corporation announces new “FOR YOUR GLORY” Initiatives for nonprofit organizations in partnership with American Capital Funds Group. The new program will assist nonprofit entrepreneurs in the following areas: Incorporation, compliance documentation, governance training, 501C3 Application, digital media strategy development, creditability and fundraising.
We strongly believe that the evolution of nonprofits’ role in South Carolina will have a direct impact on providing needed services for the disadvantaged citizens in the state. We have discovered that there are thousands of community-based nonprofits providing important services that are not likely candidates for extensive funding from Corporations. Our program is focused on preparing these community-based organizations that provide an array of services from home care, utilities payment assistance, welfare-to-work, health care and veterans’ assistance programs. These organizations need sustained public and private support, even if their services are specialized and local. To achieve this, they must invest in good governance practices, transparency, accountability, and engagement with the policy process.
The new program will teach them how to achieve these important tools for successful organization at an affordable price. Some of the organization will be selected by our Social Responsibility Committee for sponsorship of their initial program cost.
For more than 9 years, we have been committed to furthering our client digital business model. That will not change, “Johnson said. “Our vision is to protect, strengthen and grow the not for profit sector in our communities, while providing them with the highest standards of services, critical governance and strategic planning to enhance their opportunities to impact lives.
Johnson also noted the partnership with American Capital Funds Group will allow for not for profit organizations to connect their organizational and digital marketing strategy under one comprehensive solution.
“We are taking bold new steps into the next chapter of our story,” Johnson said. “We are committed to staying true to the innovative thinking that inspired our creation. As our new initiative evolves, we are striving to agile and grow with them providing meaningful services to meet their needs.
Don C. Johnson, Board Member
Social Responsbility Committee Chairman