e-Vision Prepares for New Political News Website

January 10, 2012-The e-Vision team starts development of a new political news website, partnering with existing client Mike Brown a local politician in the Spartanburg, South Carolina area. The new website will focus on local and regional government political related news utilizing existing small local newspapers as news sources. The new website will give small local newspapers a web presence and the ability to report directly to the public.


The website name will be POLICTIALJUNKI.COM with Meta Description ( POLITICAL JUNKI covers political news contributed by the public with a focus on local, regional politics, state government County government, school boards, the 2012 presidential race, lobbying, advocacy, and more.  POLITICAL JUNKI in-depth user generated coverage includes video features, regular blogs, photo galleries, cartoons, and political forums.”
e-Vision plans to launch website beta in August 2012.